How to make her first Mother’s Day special

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Although we look out for dads here at The Rad Dad Box, we want you to know that we haven’t forgotten about Mom! (After all, this company was founded by a mom!) Part of being a Rad Dad is also being a Rad Husband, and with Mother’s Day coming up, we have a few suggestions on how you can make your partner’s day special, especially if it’s her first or second Mother’s Day (or her Mom-to-be Day!).

  1. Surprise her by dressing Baby in a “Happy Mother’s Day” onesie. There’s a reason why Mom- and Dad-themed onesies are so popular – we all like to feel appreciated! A mom-themed onesie will be very touching, and shows that you’ve thought ahead and planned for this! There are plenty of Mother’s Day onesies for sale on Amazon and with two-day shipping, you can still get them in time for Mother’s Day!
  2. Make her a special Mother’s Day card, and get Baby to contribute. We actually included an activity to make a Mother’s Day card in our May box, but due to issues with other products in the May box (sigh), we won’t be able to ship these in time for Mother’s Day. However, handmade cards and gifts have a special meaning that just can’t be bought with store-bought cards. So sit down with some cardstock and your medium of choice and get working on one! Baby can contribute in different ways, depending on her age – via fingerprints, handprints, or coloring! If she’s still expecting, make her a special Mom-to-be card – it will be appreciated, trust us!
  3. Give her a Mom-themed children’s book. We always encourage Dads to read to their babies as a way to bond with them, and the same goes for Moms! A mom-themed children’s book will help instill the love of reading and Mom in your baby and make Mom feel appreciated at the same time! A few great Mom-themed books we recommend are Mommies are Amazing by Meredith Costain, Stephan Lomp’s Mamasaurus, and Taro Gomi’s Mommy Mommy!
  4. Give her a gift that isn’t related to motherhood. Don’t get me wrong, motherhood, fatherhood, parenthood – it’s amazing and it changes you in ways you never would have imagined. But sometimes, it’s nice to be reminded of who you are outside of your role as a parent. So, give her a gift of something she enjoyed pre-parenthood – whether it’s a mystery novel, a CD from one of her favorite bands, or a set of spice rubs.

We also spoke to a few moms and asked them what their partners did to make their first mother’s (or mom-to-be) day special. The silence, to be honest, was shocking. Most women could not even remember and one even told us, “I can’t remember and if I can’t remember, it probably wasn’t anything special.” Dads, don’t be that person! We hope this list has given you some ideas, but perhaps you will draw some inspiration from the few (two) moms we spoke to whose husbands did something memorable for them on Mother’s Day:

“For my mom-to-be day, my husband bought me a card of a painting with flowers, and then he found those flowers and planted them in the garden in our backyard the night before Mother’s Day.” – M., mother of 1

“For my first mother-to-be day, my husband got me a stuffed animal baby toy that plays a lullaby. Every child has played with it since. We’ll probably keep it forever.” – S., mother of 4

Dads, now that we’ve given you all of our ideas, and then some, you have no excuse! Be that Rad Dad and give Awesome Mom an unforgettable Mother’s Day!